Guest Comment

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  • Mrs. Lily.du
    做攻略的时候 在网路上无意间找到了Putu Rita 的资料,被游乐的评论所吸引,果断加微信,预约定行程。整个旅途非常愉快,他的服务也很周到,贴心。很赞。下次有机会还会合作。

  • Mrs. lily
    Good person and excellent photos
    巴厘岛两天半的全程司机导游,也是无意中在别人的游记中看到了Putu Rita的介绍,考察后果断联系起来。全程贴心周到的服务,摄影技术超赞!赚到了!突发小状况没有耽误行程。 Putu Rita 让我们对印尼的民风有了自己的认识,善良 不浮躁。下次还会继续合作。

  • Miss. 燕燕
    他是一个特别好的司机,全程陪伴我们一起玩,而不是像淘宝上很多介绍过来的司机都是在景区门口等的。他还会做一个英文导游,我们去那里玩他带我们去吃的地 方都是超级多人去吃的!环境好价格便宜!本来还想带我们去潜水的人民币五十块在罗威纳~哇 反正就是一个特别好的司机,我觉得是中国大妈大叔还有小伙子都会喜欢那种。之前看马蜂窝也是超级多人推荐,然后我们就找他。他也很及时给我规划行程~而且 有些地方不值得去他会告诉我们~难忘巴厘岛!每次给他小费他都不好意思收 都说我们之前给过了!但是价格真的很公道,每天用车那么久不给小费我都不好意思了!非标好的小伙子!记得等我买了大房子我给你买机票来中国玩哦~


    Thank you for companying us those days when we were in Bali .What a handsome boy when we met you in the first time at airport.We arrived at airport in midnight,but you waited us early at airport and sent us to hotel.You should have known how wonderful feeling when you were been taken care of in a strange place.What’s more,you did your best to help us enjoy our trip.Thank you very much.Using my girl friend words if there is 100 stars comment,you deserve it.Hope to see you one day in the futher.

  • Ms. Xiaoou-Jian
    Subject: Wonderful memories in Bali
    Mr.Putu is a our good friend.He is friendly and warmhearted.He made our vacation efficient and unforgetable.Took lots of good photos and told us many traditions in Bali.Wish your businese be better and better.Its a wonderful vacation in Bali.Beautiful scenery and friendly people.The memories will last forever.Thank you again.Best wishes to you buddy!

  • Mrs. Lucky
    Subject: Putu is a nice man
    Putu给我们带来了一个愉快的旅程,人很nice,时刻为客人着想,从不迟到,安全驾驶,所有行程中的景点完全由你做主。特别是我们凌晨6点的飞 机,putu半夜3点准时来酒店接我们送机,从来没有抱怨,特别让我们感动。所有的感激只能用“谢谢” 二字表达。Thank you very much! 祝生意兴隆!

  • Mr. Denis Wu

  • Mr. Joy
    我和女朋友来巴厘岛旅行,找了putu的brother Kadek Riko带我们去乌布一日游。本来以为只是想包个车,但是Riko一直做我们的贴身管家,很贴心。正好这天上午下雨,Riko给我们准备了两把大伞,给我们介绍周边有玩的景点,我们去了圣猴山公园,Riko一直帮我们照相,帮我们拿东西。so sweet!英语交流无障碍,希望中国朋友们多多支持他们。You will have a very nice trip with Riko!

  • Mr. Jason
    Very friendly, helpful and prompt service provided by Putu and Jordy! Easily contactable and always there if you have any questions. Thanks guys!

  • Rafael
    My wife, my 20 month old son and I used Kadek and Putu services for 4 days. They are awesome! Great knowledge of all locations, restaurants and best places to visit. I would definitely use their services again and would recomend them for anyone visiting Bali.Thanks Kadek and Putu for the pictures and helping us with our baby. You guys made us feel welcome

  • Mrs. Cindy Yuan
    A great trip in Bali
    My parents, my daughter and myself spent 10 days in Bali this September and Putu was our tour guide. I have to say it’s a very pleasant and memorable trip, and Putu helped us to achieve this. He is very professional, friendly and cheerful. He is an expert of Bali tour, who knows every good restaurant, tourist attraction, and the local history/custom. More than that, he is a great photographer. He took a lot of wonderful pictures for my family, which will definitely become our beautiful memories in our life.  I would like to sincerely say thank you Putu  and I won’t have any hesitation to recommend Putu to any of my friends.

  • Ng yong wei
    The trip was nice. the driver can speak English and explain all along the journey. we are satisfied with the service and arrangement for our trip .I will recommend it to all the friends.

    thank you !

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